It was my Sister's 21st Birthday this weekend, so we celebrated in style. My mum made a gorgeous Arabian tent in our back garden, inside both the walls and ceiling were covered in gorgeous random and mix matched fabrics, pillows spread allover the floor, it was amazing. It was converted into a dining area on the Sunday for a meal with the family. We indulged in home-made cake (with the help of Betty Crocker of course), strawberry flavoured Sheesha pipe, and toasting marshmellows on the BBQ, it was deffinitely a night to remember. It was such fun, and my Sister had a great time which is what matters the most. To end the night in style we let off lanterns and watched them fly away into the distance, (hopefully not burning any houses or killing cows, I joke, they were biodegradable!).
Happy Birthday again to my big lil' sis. x