Thursday, 16 May 2013

 L'oreal Paris FeRia toning conditioner
 in Peach Punch.
Ok, so I finally took the plunge and tested out one of the L'oreal FeRia toning conditioners. I have been wanting to try one for aaages as I bought the 'pastel peach punch' and the 'pastel pink panther' a while back when they first came out in Boots for £5. I have been deliberating for a while mainly because I hadn't seen any reviews or images on the outcome which put me off. It's daunting when your hair is as light as mine! I've gone through too many shades of yellow and ginger to let it all go for a fiver! hah. It felt risky. Anyway, I bit the bullet and went for it, it was pastel peach time. My sister helped me apply the toner, it is so easy to do! It literally is a conditioner so comes ready mixed in a tube, it comes with the usual gloves to apply and has the easy step-by-step instructions. For hair that's bleached and as light as mine it said to keep it on for 15 minutes, so... my sister started applying bit by bit, sectioning off each part of my hair, (the proper way), and then I started to freak. I literally got her to smoosh it all over my hair super-quick, I rubbed it in like a conditioner with my bare hands, bish, bash, bosh, I left it on for a minute or so, panicked and then washed it out. I was screeching 'oh jeeze, it's SO PINK!'. Luckily after having a mini diva moment and properly washing it out, I dried it as normal and was pleasantly surprised.
The dye only took fully to the front of my hair (being my fringe and at the front on the opposite side), which is where she first concentrated on applying the 'dye' before I freaked out. I was happy with this as the final 'do' as I think the brightness of the colour all-over would have been a bit of a shock, considering I've never done anything like this before. I must point out one negative, although it was a lovely colour, it was a bright baby pink, NOT the peach colour it advertised on the package. After saying that I did compare the package where it shows the before and after images for bleach blonde hair, to the pastel pink packet I had and in fairness it comes out a pretty similar colour to the peach one anyway, so I should have checked this properly before hand. The colour washed out pretty much after one wash, which was a shame, but I think this is due to the fact I left it on a for a fraction of the recommended time. It is nice to bear this mind if you are a little scaredy-cat like me, IT DOES WASH OUT! I would only recommend this for light blondes as otherwise it's a waste of time, the colour simply won't stick. It would look great dip dyed, streaked in, or all-over, it's very versatile and it left  enough over for another go. Yippee!
What it says on the tin: 'Tap into the latest funky trends and achieve a fun pastel look. Add some flavour to your style that lasts up to 3-5 washes. Designed for very light blondes that know how to have fun. As easy to use as conditioner and works in 15 minutes!'

Apart from it sounding a bit like a 10 second speed dating advert, I would agree. It's fun, cheap and it works. I would definitely give it a go again and it's made me want to try the pastel lilac now too! I'm not sure why I didn't get it the first time around, for some reason I feel purple isn't me, but it's lilac, so it's fine... Back to the point, if you are looking for a quick and easy way to update your hair, then try it out fo'sure! 

What do you think, have any of you tried it yet?x


  1. This colour looks so great on you! Love this review, really helpful so thank you! :) xx

  2. You are gorgeous - love the pink!

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