Well, yesterday I went up to London town to try and do some Christmas shopping. As you can guess, it was pretty mental. There were so many people coming from every angle, a lot of hustle and bustle so didn't actually manage to buy anything for anyone else apart from me (ooosh!). I had a 30% off Christmas voucher from work (Topshop) so wanted to go up to London to the Oxford Street store to spend it (secretly the main aim of the visit). I will do another post about what I purchased soon, but firstly wanted to share my WAH nails that I got done whilst I was in the Topshop store. I've wanted to get my nails done by WAH for yonks, and finally decided to go for it. They are a little bit pricey and cost more for different designs on each finger, but I decided to go a little crazy! I went for the POW, Ying Yang and Polka dot nails, and my sister went for the Hot Lips. Mine cost £33.80 and my sisters was £32 (they work it out per nail). I love my nails but do feel they are a little overrated, I reckon I could learn to do them pretty swiftly, especially on someone eleses hand. I'm glad I got them done, but I think this will be the first and last time! It's too much money for what you actually get, plus they only last a week, pffft.