Thursday, 31 May 2012

Night out.
Hello hello, last Saturday I went out with my Topshop/Topman crew which was rather messy. I'm not sure what happened to me but I was SO drunk *cringe. Luckily I wasn't falling over or getting naked, but saying that I really can't remember too much of the night. (I just want to say here, that I hardly drink or go out so that's probably why it hit me hah!). 
Just wanted to share with you my outfit I bought on the day for the night out. I wore my gorgeous Topshop (last chance to buy beauty), which was a pricey £50, this is the most expensive top I've ever bought but with my 25% discount this came to £37.50 which I feel is much more reasonable. I don't have anything this sparkly and beautiful in my wardrobe so I thought it was about time to invest. I also wore some Topshop leather look shorts which were £30 (£22.50 with my discount) which I think is very good value for TS, I've wanted a pair of these shorts for aaages and I'm so happy I got them, they are super comfy and look gorgeous on. I think they're great for both casual and night out looks. I teamed these up with my standard new look heels which are reallly old, I seem to only ever wear this pair of heels out. I need to invest in some not-so-high heels as I'm a giant at 5ft 8 and a half (yes the half counts), so need some that look hot but don't make me tranny high, any recommendations? x

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The Woolmark Company is giving wool lovers the chance to make history by setting a new world record for the World’s Longest Social Scarf. It launched today and is basically a campaign which runs on a microsite and also on the We Love Wool community, it aims to connect people in the social media world as we collaboratively design a giant virtual scarf. You get to create your own section of the scarf, by adding your picture and customising your scarf design on Facebook, which can then be shared via twitter, facebook etc. After doing these simple steps you automatically enter to win one of eight fashion prize packs, including Net-A-Porter vouchers and soft Merino wool scarves, pretty uh-mazing?

'Merino wool is a unique fibre, loved by fashion and apparel designers for its quality and versatility. The campaign will be run through the ‘We Love Wool’ Facebook page launched by The Woolmark Company in June 2011, which has recently celebrated 100,000 fans! The thriving community provides consumers, retailers and designers alike a touch-point to connect and discuss all things wool.'

It's quick and easy so why not join in? plus you get to be part of making a world record (sweet!).

 Heres mine, if you want to join in check it out and enter here:

Friday, 25 May 2012

Dip Dye.
Most of you probably already know that I decided to dip dye my hair pink. I get bored easily especially with my hair, I mean I love being blonde and wouldn't want to do anything too crazy to the colour so that was out of the question, the cut is at that awkward length as I'm just trying to grow it out from an asymmetric bob (like Frankie from the Saturdays), so I didn't fancy the chop to go shorter (only real option)... so the only thing I could think of was dip dying. Yes I know it's not original, but no one I know actually has it so I thought I'd just go for it. I've wanted some pink in my hair for YEARS now, so finally decided to bite the bullett. I used two different dyes, the first by Directions called 'Baby Pink' and the second by Stargazer also called 'Baby Pink'. I bought them both on eBay for just under £4 each, (which isn't bad considering I'm only using a really small amount of dye each time- it'll last a while). Although saying that, this colour does fade SUPER quick, I don't know if it's because my hair is so light anyway? or just the nature of the dye but it's so annoying. After one wash the dye has practically disappeared, it is a semi-permanent hair colour so I didn't expect too much, but still, one wash? I may as well buy a colouring pen and do it that way... no maybe not, but you get my point. Any tips/advice would be much appreciated.x

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Topshop: Parma Violet £5 Models own: £5 Barry M: Peach Melba £3 Models Own: Utopia £5 Models Own: Pastel Pink £5

Monday, 14 May 2012

Love is blind.
Topman Top: £16
Topshop Shorts: £28
Belt Primark: £1
Topshop frill socks: £3.50 (3 for £8)
Charity Shop bag: £5 (Customised with studs/spikes).
Creepers eBay: £23.99

Outfit of the day from last week (really need to update there and then). Anyway bought this 'Love Is Blind' tee from Topman whilst at work, I couldn't resist. For some reason I find it adorable, when really it is a little sick minded ha!. Simple outfit, little bit tom-boyish and grungey but I love it. I softened the look up a little with my black frilly socks and ultra girly make up.
Double d.
 Cringing double denim shot of me at work (gotta be done!). We had a double denim day at work last Saturday, where, you guessed it, everyone had to come in double d. It was quite funny, I felt a little weird at first as it's not something I've actually tried before, but have always liked the idea of. Thought I'd post the pictures so you could see...

 I decided to go for lighter and different coloured double denim rather than the more 'worn' or darker denim. I wore my Topshop lilac Moto denim shorts £28, old denim shirt £20, tights and then my creepers from eBay £23.99. Do you have any dressing up days at work? It's now becoming a Saturday thing at our store. Next week pattern clash *sigh*, this could get pretty ugly.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

A few things I've bought recently (more to come). A few bargains from Topshop, Floral vest top £15 in the sale,  Leopard Loafers £5 (yes a fiver!!), Swan trousers £35 and the Blue sports jumper £10.
Creepers, from eBay £23.99 each. Couldn't resist these creepers. I know they are super common right now, but they're so gross they're nice (you know the kind). Little bit obsessed with the whole flatform idea, little late on the uptake I know, but hey. Just posting a few random buys with a couple of outfit of the days (they are at work so please excuse the shoddy staffroom shots). Have bought quite a lot recently, so will post these other purchases soon. I'm obsessed with my new swan print trousers, they are so cute, I had to buy the matching crop top and am yet to wear them both together; I think it's gonna have to be done. Also couldn't believe the leopard print loafers I got for a fiverrrr, ridiculous. Even cheaper actually with my staff discount at 25%, super happy with those.
Have you found any bargains in the Topshop sale? Or anywhere else for that matter? Love a good bargain.x

Monday, 7 May 2012


 Had a lads night out not so long ago and thought I'd post a few of the iphone shots we managed to take (excuse the crazy eyes). I went out with a few of the Topshop girlies, which was much needed. I barely go out these days, such a biddy! But in all honestly I'd prefer to be indoors sipping tea and watching Eastenders, (no word of a lie) hah. I do love to dress up though, that's probably the best part of a night out; pre drinks and caking the make-up on. Saying that, I did have a lovely time and need to make an effort to do it more. I wore my Topshop peachy cut out sun dress £36 but got it for around £14 on uniform (amaze-balls), New Look leather look jacket (old) around £19 and Topshop shoes (old too) probably around £15. Simple outfit but just love this peach colour at the moment #obsessed.

 Ou est le sun? Need some SUNSHINE soon please.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

 My first week and a bit of instagram, and I've gotta say, I'm a massive fan. Easy & fun to upload pictures to facebook and twitter. Just been taking photo's of random things and mainly outfit of the days. Just been busy working away as per usual, hence the lack of posts. Things are looking up though and have some exciting opportunities arising so will keep you updated.
 Are you on instagram? If so what do you think? and check me out @jenniferlouiseloves.