Tuesday, 15 March 2011

To fringe or not to fringe?
That is the question.

I had a fringe a few months back now, and my hair is usually like the last image, (Yes it was fancy dress I was a A Toy Soldier hehe). I'm not sure whether to go back to a blunt fringe or keep it to a sidey? and also not sure whether to get it cut shorter like Frankie from The Saturdays? Help!
Getting my hair did next Tuesday... decisions decisions.


  1. I like the second and last image of your hair. Either way would suite you because you're pretty

  2. FRINGE :):)
    you look so pretty with a full fringe, not saying your not now, because that's not true!
    I think it would look nice the length of Frankie's as you have the right face shape for it! x

  3. Love your jacket <3 I think you should keep the blunt fringe, it looks so pretty and not many people can pull it off as good as you. As for the length, Frankie's length would look great on you too.


  4. Looks good both ways I think. I am going through some hair issues at the moment as well, my hair needs dying really badly and I have decided t go darker but I am scared of it being too dark. Decisions indeed!

  5. I love the blunt fringe on you. It looks fab. But I know the situation your are in. I have a blunt fringe but it grows out so quickly it's easier to push to one side.

  6. Loved the second pick best - especially cool somehow with that fringe ))

    Also, wanted to let you know that I have included you on the list of the versatile blogger award. Please visit http://lifestylegeek.blogspot.com/2011/03/versatile-blogger-award.html to participate!

  7. Hehe thank you girlies, my sister really wants me to go darker too, but don't think I can handle it yet. Need to max out the blonde for as long as I can, before I need to be sophisticated :p

  8. keep the side fringe, dont get a proper one cut in. It does look nice, but much nicer with a sweeping! :) xx

  9. the blunt fringe! you look gorgeous with it. you look lovely both ways, but a lot of people can't pull off the blunt fringe... so if you can... you should rock it!

  10. I think you should get a blunt fringe, and grow out your hair a bit. I think it would look pretty amazing.


  11. I love your hair the way it is now but I think it would look good with a blunt fringe too.Very cool jacket :) I'd love it if you liked to follow each other.Let me know :)

